StochTree 0.0.1
This is the complete list of members for StochTree::Tree, including all inherited members.
AllocNode() | StochTree::Tree | |
CategoryList(std::int32_t nid) const | StochTree::Tree | inline |
CloneFromTree(Tree *tree) | StochTree::Tree | |
CollapseToLeaf(std::int32_t nid, double value) | StochTree::Tree | inline |
CollapseToLeaf(std::int32_t nid, std::vector< double > value_vector) | StochTree::Tree | inline |
DefaultChild(std::int32_t nid) const | StochTree::Tree | inline |
DeleteNode(std::int32_t nid) | StochTree::Tree | |
ExpandNode(std::int32_t nid, int split_index, double split_value, double left_value, double right_value) | StochTree::Tree | |
ExpandNode(std::int32_t nid, int split_index, std::vector< std::uint32_t > const &categorical_indices, double left_value, double right_value) | StochTree::Tree | |
ExpandNode(std::int32_t nid, int split_index, double split_value, std::vector< double > left_value_vector, std::vector< double > right_value_vector) | StochTree::Tree | |
ExpandNode(std::int32_t nid, int split_index, std::vector< std::uint32_t > const &categorical_indices, std::vector< double > left_value_vector, std::vector< double > right_value_vector) | StochTree::Tree | |
ExpandNode(std::int32_t nid, int split_index, TreeSplit &split, double left_value, double right_value) | StochTree::Tree | |
ExpandNode(std::int32_t nid, int split_index, TreeSplit &split, std::vector< double > left_value_vector, std::vector< double > right_value_vector) | StochTree::Tree | |
from_json(const json &tree_json) | StochTree::Tree | |
GetDepth(std::int32_t nid) const | StochTree::Tree | inline |
GetInternalNodes() const | StochTree::Tree | inline |
GetLeafParents() const | StochTree::Tree | inline |
GetLeaves() const | StochTree::Tree | inline |
GetNodes() | StochTree::Tree | inline |
HasCategoricalSplit() const | StochTree::Tree | inline |
HasLeafVector(std::int32_t nid) const | StochTree::Tree | inline |
HasVectorOutput() const | StochTree::Tree | inline |
Init(int output_dimension=1, bool is_log_scale=false) | StochTree::Tree | |
IsCategoricalSplitNode(std::int32_t nid) const | StochTree::Tree | inline |
IsDeleted(std::int32_t nid) const | StochTree::Tree | inline |
IsLeaf(std::int32_t nid) const | StochTree::Tree | inline |
IsLogScale() const | StochTree::Tree | inline |
IsNumericSplitNode(std::int32_t nid) const | StochTree::Tree | inline |
IsRoot() | StochTree::Tree | inline |
IsRoot(std::int32_t nid) const | StochTree::Tree | inline |
LeafValue(std::int32_t nid) const | StochTree::Tree | inline |
LeafValue(std::int32_t nid, std::int32_t dim_id) const | StochTree::Tree | inline |
LeafVector(std::int32_t nid) const | StochTree::Tree | inline |
LeftChild(std::int32_t nid) const | StochTree::Tree | inline |
MaxLeafDepth() const | StochTree::Tree | inline |
NodeType(std::int32_t nid) const | StochTree::Tree | inline |
NumDeletedNodes() const noexcept | StochTree::Tree | inline |
NumNodes() const noexcept | StochTree::Tree | inline |
NumValidNodes() const noexcept | StochTree::Tree | inline |
OutputDimension() const | StochTree::Tree | inline |
Parent(std::int32_t nid) const | StochTree::Tree | inline |
PredictLeafIndexInplace(ForestDataset *dataset, std::vector< int32_t > &output, int32_t offset, int32_t max_leaf) | StochTree::Tree | |
PredictLeafIndexInplace(Eigen::MatrixXd &covariates, std::vector< int32_t > &output, int32_t offset, int32_t max_leaf) | StochTree::Tree | |
PredictLeafIndexInplace(Eigen::Map< Eigen::Matrix< double, Eigen::Dynamic, Eigen::Dynamic, Eigen::ColMajor > > &covariates, std::vector< int32_t > &output, int32_t offset, int32_t max_leaf) | StochTree::Tree | |
Reset() | StochTree::Tree | |
RightChild(std::int32_t nid) const | StochTree::Tree | inline |
SetCategoricalSplit(std::int32_t nid, std::int32_t split_index, std::vector< std::uint32_t > const &category_list) | StochTree::Tree | |
SetChildren(std::int32_t nid, std::int32_t left_child, std::int32_t right_child) | StochTree::Tree | inline |
SetLeaf(std::int32_t nid, double value) | StochTree::Tree | |
SetLeafVector(std::int32_t nid, std::vector< double > const &leaf_vector) | StochTree::Tree | |
SetLeftChild(std::int32_t nid, std::int32_t left_child) | StochTree::Tree | inline |
SetNumericSplit(std::int32_t nid, std::int32_t split_index, double threshold) | StochTree::Tree | |
SetParent(std::int32_t child_node, std::int32_t parent_node) | StochTree::Tree | inline |
SetParents(std::int32_t nid, std::int32_t left_child, std::int32_t right_child) | StochTree::Tree | inline |
SetRightChild(std::int32_t nid, std::int32_t right_child) | StochTree::Tree | inline |
SplitIndex(std::int32_t nid) const | StochTree::Tree | inline |
SumSquaredLeafValues() const | StochTree::Tree | inline |
SumSquaredNodeValues(std::int32_t nid) const | StochTree::Tree | inline |
Threshold(std::int32_t nid) const | StochTree::Tree | inline |
to_json() | StochTree::Tree | |
WalkTree(Func func) const | StochTree::Tree | inline |