Here is a list of all topics with brief descriptions:
Dataset API | Functions for loading, using, and modifying training / test data for forest samplers |
Forest API | Classes / functions for creating and modifying forests (i.e. ensembles of trees) |
Leaf Model API | Classes / functions for implementing leaf models |
Tree API | Classes / functions for creating and modifying decision trees |
Forest Sampler API | Functions for sampling from a forest. The core interfce of these functions, as used by the R, Python, and standalone C++ program, is defined by MCMCSampleOneIter, which runs one iteration of the MCMC sampler for a given forest, and GFRSampleOneIter, which runs one iteration of the grow-from-root (GFR) algorithm for a given forest. All other functions are essentially helpers used in a sampling function, which are documented here to make extending the C++ codebase more straightforward |